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English A2 - Course 1

Este nivel consolida el material anterior siguiendo la línea funcional de los cursos anteriores y se centra en aumentar la independencia del alumno en todas las destrezas. Introduce verbos modales, preposiciones, orden de los adjetivos, expresión de la cantidad y mucho más, con gran variedad de ejercicios para una cobertura exhaustiva.

Matricularme · 69,99€

Coste de la formación: 99,99€ 69,99€


En este nivel el alumno consolidará el material del nivel anterior y continuará la transición hacia un nivel intermedio. El contenido del curso sigue siendo funcional y se centra por completo en mejorar la independencia del alumno en todas las áreas. En este curso se introducen los verbos modales de habilidad, las preposiciones extendidas así como las formas del presente simple de muchos verbos comunes. El uso de una variedad de ejercicios tiene en cuenta los diferentes estilos de aprendizaje y garantiza una cobertura completa de los temas tratados.


Este curso incluye:

  • 30 horas de teoría / práctica
  • Certificado de realización
  • Tests de evaluación de las destrezas lingüísticas del alumno/a


Qué vas a aprender

  • Verbo Modal “Can” para expresar habilidad, permiso y posibilidad.
  • Intercambiar números de teléfono y direcciones
  • Preposiciones de lugar (over, on, in, under, next to, in front of)
  • El orden de los adjetivos, especialmente para descripciones físicas
  • Expresiones básicas al teléfono
  • Presente Simple del verbo “Have Got” en todas sus formas, extendiéndose a más verbos
  • Adverbios y expresiones de frecuencia (once, twice, three times)
  • El Imperativo para órdenes, instrucciones, direcciones y prohibiciones
  • Expresiones para dar direcciones con el verbo ”GO” (go up, go down, go onto)
  • Expresiones comunes como “I suppose so” or “poor thing”
  • El uso de “someone” y “anyone”
  • Preposiciones de movimiento
  • Expresión de la cantidad (‘a few’, ‘a little’, ‘a lot of’, ‘plenty of’, any’ y ‘enough)
  • Uso del “either” par estar de acuerdo en frases negativas
  • El Posesivo Sajón
  • Áreas de vocabulario
    • La ropa y los colores, los meses y los años, las edades. Relaciones y familia. Lugares de una ciudad y preguntar información durante un viaje, sobre todo en el aeropuerto. Animales y naturaleza. Hacer un "Check-in" y un Check-out" en un hotel y, finalmente socializar.
  • The aim is to introduce and practice vocabulary, functions, and grammar through interactive exercises. Topics covered include modal verbs for ability, exchanging contact information, and prepositions of place. Vocabulary focuses on clothing and colors. Activities involve sentence-picture association, listening comprehension, spelling practice, pronunciation practice, and sentence writing.

  • The aim is to introduce and review vocabulary, structures, and pronunciation through interactive exercises. The lesson covers basic telephone expressions, 'can' and 'can't' for ability, the present simple, and prepositions of place. Activities include sentence-picture association, gap-fill listening exercises, spelling practice, and pronunciation practice through listening and repeating.

  • The lesson aims to review vocabulary, grammar, and structures through interactive exercises. It covers modal verbs (can/can't), exchanging personal information, prepositions of place, and the present simple. Activities include listening, spelling, pronunciation practice, and sentence-picture association. Vocabulary includes clothes and telephone expressions.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • This lesson focuses on vocabulary and structures through interactive exercises like word-picture association and listening comprehension. It covers physical descriptions, clothes, months, and years. Activities include matching sentences with pictures and understanding dialogues.

  • This lesson introduces and practices grammar, useful phrases, and vocabulary through interactive exercises like word-picture association and choosing the correct word. It covers the order of adjectives and the present simple. Activities include matching sentences with pictures, listening and repeating, and reading comprehension.

  • This lesson reviews grammar, vocabulary, and structures through interactive exercises. It covers adjectives, present simple, ages, clothes, physical descriptions, and numbers. Activities include word-picture association, listening and writing, choosing the right word, and more. Students practice pronunciation, spelling, and comprehension.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The activities in this lesson are the association of sentences and words with their corresponding pictures, student-led listening and matching words from two columns

  • This lesson covers grammar, vocabulary, and useful phrases through interactive exercises. It focuses on adverbs of frequency, present simple with new verbs, 'have got', prepositions of place, and revises days of the week, physical descriptions, relationships, and family. Activities include word-picture association and listening practice.

  • This lesson reviews grammar, vocabulary, and structures. It covers adverbs of frequency, present simple with new verbs, 'have got', and prepositions of place. The activities include word-picture association, choosing the correct word, dubbing the film, and selecting synonymous sentences.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • Aims: to introduce and recycle vocabulary and structures through a series of interactive exercises such as word/sentence-picture association, listening comprehension with short, realistic dialogues and student-led listening practice with the vocabulary items. The vocabulary focus is on places in the town and basic directions. Activities include the association of sentences and words with corresponding pictures and dialogue comprehension.

  • This lesson covers grammar, vocabulary, and functional structures through interactive exercises like word-picture association, listening and repeating, and listening and writing. It focuses on prepositions of movement, the positive imperative, and vocabulary related to places in the town and basic directions. Activities include sentence-picture association, gap-fill listening, student-led listening, spelling practice, and pronunciation exercises.

  • This lesson reviews grammar, vocabulary, and structures through interactive exercises like choosing words and dubbing. It covers prepositions, the imperative, and vocabulary related to town places and directions. Activities include associating sentences with pictures, listening and filling gaps, spelling practice, pronunciation exercises, and matching questions and answers.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • This lesson aims to introduce and reinforce vocabulary and structures through interactive exercises. The activities include word/sentence-picture association, listening to dialogues, and student-led listening practice. The vocabulary section introduces common expressions and the activities focus on associating sentences and words with pictures and improving dialogue comprehension.

  • This lesson focuses on grammar, structures, and vocabulary through interactive exercises. Learners practice giving instructions, expressing prohibition, and using quantifiers. Activities include associating sentences with pictures, writing sentences, and pronunciation practice.

  • The lesson aims to review grammar, vocabulary, and structures through interactive exercises. It covers giving instructions, expressing prohibition, quantifiers, negative agreement, and expressing frequency. Activities include listening, writing, choosing options, and dubbing the film.

  • In this lesson, students read and listen to a passage about tea and coffee in the UK. They answer questions to test their active reading skills and match statements to the passage. Active reading develops cognitive skills like attention and memory.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • This lesson revises past content through interactive exercises like film dubbing, dialogue comprehension, sentence construction, and gap filling. It covers topics such as 'have got', family, directions, town places, and information requests. Vocabulary review includes physical descriptions, family, and relationships.

  • This lesson aims to review the block's content through various interactive exercises like word choice, true or false listening comprehension, reading and ordering, and gap filling. The revision includes structures and functions such as 'have got', discussing family, directions, town places, information requests, possessive 's', imperatives, and prepositions. Vocabulary review focuses on physical descriptions, family, and relationships.

  • This lesson provides students with additional materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of travelling, specifically terms related to the airport context. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

  • n the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • This lesson provides students with materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of animals. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

  • This lesson provides students with materials to expand their knowledge of vocabulary on the subject of nature. Vocabulary is presented in context and there are follow-up exercises that provide extended practice.

  • In this lesson students read a passage of text that describes the landscape of a coastal town and then answer a series of questions. These questions follow a sequential order and elicit students' skills on active reading. Readers are asked to peruse the passage for the general meaning and for particular details. The suggested activities comprise true/false questions and completing sentences with the most appropriate word.

  • A practical immersion in the language, where by the student will live through a real life situation, similar to one they would confront in the language in which they are learning. In this lesson the student will be introduced to new vocabulary, then once the exercise has been completed, they will then have an opportunity to do some practice with this same new vocabulary.

  • The student will listen to a series of questions which they can answer freely. In this lesson new vocabulary will be introduced. Once the lesson has finished, the student will then be able to have some practice with this same new vocabulary.

  • Students read and listen to a passage about Las Vegas, answer sequential questions, and practice active reading skills. Activities include multiple-choice questions. By practicing active reading, students develop cognitive skills.

  • In the last lesson of this unit, students find a variety of exercises carefully chosen to consolidate and evaluate the language skills acquired in previous lessons.

  • In this last lesson of the course and as a way to revise, the student will come across a variety of exercises which will help consolidate and evaluate any knowledge which has been acquired throughout the duration of the course.


Eva Nolla González

Head of STP Training

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